Degree Obtained: Pharmaceutical Chemist
Level of training: University Professional
Duration: 10 semesters
Mode: Presential
SNIES Code: 105291
Qualified Registration: Resolution No. 005539 of April 05, 2023, granted by MINEDUCATION.
Total Credits: 190
Number of Credits I Semester: 19
Credit Value Year 2024: $ 393.000
Tuition Value I Semester Year 2024: $ 7.467.000 *
Location: Calle 222 # 55 – 37
Contact: Karol Andrea Méndez Leguizamón
Phone: (60 1) 6684700, extension: 524-094-175
E-mail: [email protected]
*he tuition fee from the second academic semester onwards will depend on the number of academic credits enrolled by the student.
We are a University with High Quality Institutional Accreditation: Resolution 017390 of December 27, 2019 (for 4 years), granted by MINEDUCATION.
Become a professional in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, with a solid scientific, technological and social foundation, in order to facilitate the equitable and sustainable development of the country.
The Pharmaceutical Chemistry Program seeks to train integral professionals, with a solid scientific, technological and social foundation, with a view to facilitating the equitable and sustainable development of the country.
The Pharmaceutical Chemistry program will be recognized for the formation of suitable professionals at the scientific, technological and social levels; with an integral vision of their profession; in such a way that they contribute to the socioeconomic and sustainable development of the country.
Graduate profile
The professional graduated from the Pharmaceutical Chemistry program of the U.D.C.A., as a health professional, will be characterized by having a comprehensive training in all fields of action of the pharmaceutical profession, with high capacity for leadership and research. He/she will be able to work in the Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry, where he/she will have a participation as: Technical Director, Area Manager, Area Coordinator in: Laboratories of Innovation and Development of pharmaceutical products, Quality Control Laboratories; Production plants of Medicines for human and veterinary use, cosmetic and food laboratories.
In the health care sector, he/she will be a professional capable of exercising the Technical Direction of Pharmaceutical services of highly complex Institutions, leading the processes of selection, acquisition, distribution and information of medicines and medical devices; development of clinical studies, pharmacovigilance, drug monitoring, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Care and all those special processes of the pharmaceutical service, tending to guarantee and improve the quality of life of people and populations.

Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Pharmacy
The text is the result of the authors’ research and is a guide for the understanding of the fundamentals of Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Pharmacy, with the understanding that the professional work of the Pharmaceutical Chemist in the clinic consists of advising and guiding other health professionals on the establishment of dosage regimens, prevention and detection of interactions and adverse drug reactions.
Step-by-step research - Second edition
Today, after 11 years of practice of the mentioned work and under the title Investigación paso a paso, the author updates, incorporates new chapters and revises concepts, all this, product and consequence of her research tasks and practices and of the logical evaluation of this task, in our University. It is also pertinent to point out that the text refers to and merges the new requirements issued by COLCIENCIAS – Publindex, in the sense of approaching, correctly, a research project, either by research groups, young researchers and seedlings, with the logic that leads to its successful execution, to a possible co-financing by State entities or private collaboration and to its future dissemination, at national or international level.
Toxicology and pharmacology of analgesics
Academic text that presents, in a didactic, updated and simple way, the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and toxicological aspects of the most commonly used analgesics in pain management. It also provides information on the mechanisms of action of the most commonly used analgesics, as well as their beneficial and adverse effects. It allows to recognize, evaluate and manage the adverse reactions of analgesics; the rational use of analgesics and the correct management of cases of analgesic intoxications.